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Community Over Competition

This past year brought a lot of thoughts and ideas to the forefront of my brain. I had been spending a bunch of time comparing my social media status from 2018 to 2019. My growth, my sponsorships, and basically another dozen things that kind of made me feel yucky. 2018 was my first year on Instagram, as a blogger, and it took off so intensely and forcefully. I had gained 10,000 in my first year and was overwhelmed with all of the opportunities, gifts, and emails that were flooding my front door and inbox. Don’t get me wrong, I am EXTREMELY grateful for every single opportunity and continue to work with some of the most amazing companies out there. I mean who doesn’t want to take beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, and adventurous photos and possibly even get paid to do so? Anyways, I found that 2018 was brilliant. The first half of 2019 was filled with business opportunities and potential to create some what of a full time job blogging; until life happened.

I started comparing my progress to the pervious years while agonizing and commiserating over the ongoing issues with the algorithm and even found myself comparing my stats with others. What a WASTE of time! Instead of creating the content I wanted to, I was too busy feeling dscouraged and letting time go by. I’m letting those insecurities go in this new year.

Thats where the idea of Community over Competition comes into play. I know I’m not the only person who has ever felt discouraged and pressured by social media status. I felt that it was time to come together, and lift each other up despite insecurities that comes with the territory.

Any community could use a little more compassion, friendship, and encouragement. Let’s share what we enjoy about each others feeds. Let’s help get these beautiful, thought out, images the time they deserve on social media platforms. Let’s encourage our new friends to keep believing in themselves and support them no matter what!

I think we should stop putting so much pressure on ourselves, stop comparing ourselves to other people’s accounts and start living more in the moment by doing exactly what makes us happy! I have lost so many followers on Instagram because I don’t only post bookish photos or read the latest release. It’s more important for me to do what makes me happy and be supportive instead of jealous. I hope this new year brings encouragement and support and less pressure when comparing yourselves to others. It’s time to remind ourselves that every single person brings something unique to the table. We should be focusing on community over competition.

And while were on the topic of new friends, I was lucky enough to meet some amazing Bookstagram babes recently who I’ve grown to love and adore. Like I mentioned, this community has brought me extremely special opportunities and being able to support others with similar goals and interests makes this platform and community worth it! The world needs more support and compassion and less comparison and jealously. Thanks to these Bookstagram babes, my heart grows fuller with more appreciation and understanding everyday.

If you’re down with the idea of Community Over Competition, then feel free to join in on the discussion. Give your favorite accounts a shout out, like and comment on their last photos. Engage regularly. Send someone new a Dm, reach out to chat, or just say hi. I was able to find true friendship from this platform and you can to! I am excited to share my favorite accounts; large and small. And don’t forget to enjoy what makes you happy!!!!

community over competition
Left To Right:
Emma @books_andlattes Colleen @coco_elise Kelly @andkellyreads Sarah @SarahS_Reads