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Cromwell Valley Park (HIKE MARYLAND)

Thanks to the app “All Trails” my new hiking hobby is off to a great start.

Earlier last week I posted a photo on Instagram with a caption asking for hiking tips. And boy, did you all deliver!

My sister, Julianna, is a big hiker. She recently moved back to Maryland from sunny California. California has some of the most beautiful hiking trails. I thought it would be a good idea to start hiking to not only reap the health benefits, but to find something fun to do with my sister who is probably missing those California hiking hills. After taking in all the amazing tips you all sent me, I knew I had to start somewhere. I did what all millennial’s would have done, went to social media. I started following hiking pages and learning all about safety and everything else under the sun. I came across an add for “All Trails,” a hiking app that recognizes your location listing all the hiking trails near. Once you click on a particular trail, you will see a map of the trail along with details on directions to starting location, length, weather, ratings, and reviews. They also group the trails in three categories; easy, moderate, and hard. The app even lets you record your hike leaving you with end statistics on time, miles hiked, and elevation gain.

So we went to ‘All Trails’ and picked a location about fifteen minutes away from our house. We live in a heavily wooded area of Baltimore County but had no clue how many trails we had right in our backyards. We picked a place called Cromwell Valley Park, located near Towson, Maryland. I’ve driven by this park hundreds of times, and was so excited to finally check it out!

Let me start by telling you it was beyond gorgeous. Gorgeous, but MUDDY!!!!!! Holy Cow – was it muddy. The trail takes you on a 3.5 mile loop crossing over creeks and moderating walking up and down hills. It was very Lord of the Rings, especially with no leaves on the trees. If you’re a nerd like me, you would have also gotten those vibes. I jokingly took took a few Insta Stories and played them with LOTR’s music. HAHA – I know, nerd status! Head to ‘Hike Maryland’ in my highlights to see the stories yourself! Im no movie maker, but they made me laugh!

If you are local to the Baltimore County area, I would definitely check out these trails. They are more beginner, moderate if anything. I had some trouble walking though the mud and up some of the hills, but hey, this was my first real hike and I did the best I could, at my own pace.

Message me if you live in Maryland and let me know your favorite trails. I am going to keep trying; not giving up just yet. I love being outdoors and in the fresh air. Why not get some exercise at the same time?


A Tad Bit Muddy