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Cross Country Road Trip (DAY THREE)

I know I’ve talked about peaks in this trip over and over again. But how do you really define a peak when you still have day’s left of an amazing trip? This was me, one hundred percent. Every single day I saw something new and it immediately became a favorite.

The days leading up to the beginning of the actual drive were really special to me. I had been missing my sister who lived in San Jose, California for four years and couldn’t wait to get her back on the east coast and right down the street! Easy access to sister shenanigans, right? Seriously, just think of all those mimosas that will be consumed on Sundays. These days in California were special for me because I was able to truly understand how loved she was. Obviously she had created her own world on the West Coast and made a few life long friends. It was a treat to see her in her own element and in the environment she created. I instantly thought this was the peak of the trip. The dinners and California wine tastings didn’t hurt either.  Just the idea of her heading back East a grown up and mature women was the ultimate peak. Apart from that being the overall win of my year, this trip quickly opened my eyes to beauty I never knew existed.

We recap days one and two and the ‘peaks’ started rolling down Main Street. I’m going to need another word for ‘peak’ soon! But really, if you’re over 21, drink every time I say ‘peak’ – I’m kidding, please don’t do that! But if you do, don’t drink and drive!! San Jose to Vegas was an absolute blast. As you heard in episode one of the Cross Country Series, I had never been to Las Vegas before. The beginning of this exciting adventure took over my brain and I couldn’t wait to explore. Peak one, or so I thought. And then I thought day two took the cake. How could anything be more beautiful than the canyons of Arizona? Glen Canyon Dam was my first taste at these gorgeous rocks. But then the true spectacular beauty came as we visited Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend. HOLY COW, these destinations were a true spectacular beauty. Can I say Peak Two? Anyways, day two was spectacular. I wasn’t sure how anything could get better!

And then day three happened.

You might as well throw all those ‘peaks’ out the window, because Day Three was by far the best day of the entire trip, exploration wise. We left Arizona and kind of went a little backwards and ended up in Utah. I can tell you from my Maryland, East Coast girl perspective that Utah hasn’t been a topic of many, if any, conversations I’ve ever had. I knew the basic Utah things, which wasn’t a lot and actually quote pathetic. I knew the Sun Dance Film festival took place in Park City, Utah and I’m sure I’ve heard a thing or two about the Mormon Church, but honestly couldn’t tell you much more.

How many of you have seen old Western Films? If you know Westerns, you know Monument Valley. Home of the backdrop for many of these films, Monument Valley lives on the Arizona – Utah border and is the home to Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park. Monument Valley is a region of plateaued rocks in shapes that have now been named and have spiritual and significant meanings to the Navajo Nation.

I’m not telling you to stop listening or reading this, but maybe a short time out to go Google or check out the hash tag Monument Valley. Without the visual, you’ll never understand or grasp the beauty I’m about to describe.

We decided to take Herbert, Julianna’s basically virgin, yet paid off Honda Civic on the 17-mile loop drive of the monuments. Herbs got a little off roading action that day. Let me quickly tell you, Herbert is no longer a virgin. Herbert trucked through the terrains and Polar Vortex conditions, and Monument Valley wasn’t even the worst of the bad weather we faced. Just wait till Episodes Four and Five of the Cross Country Series, what a doozy! Anyways, Herbert guided us down the first path.

Although the drive shows you many of the same rock formations, it’s the different angles that truly make the 11-rock formation park a true hit.

The first three miles are definitely the hardest and with the most rough driving conditions. We were obviously in a tiny car so we had to take the off roading a little slower than most. We quickly came upon the first stop called The Mittens and Merrick Butte. The immediate gasp of breath was quickly taken from me as I tried to take in the indescribable beauty. From Mittens and Merrick, we head thru Elephant Butte to the Three Sisters, which was my favorite. The Three Sisters are basically a three-pinnacle tier that just takes your breath away. For some reason, this seemed to mean the most to me. It’s unexplainable, but out the 10 others, this spoke to me.

From the Three Sisters, we see John Ford’s Point, Camel Butte, The Hub, Totem Pole 1 & 2, Artist’s Point, North Window, and The Thumb.  The beauty becomes more and more overwhelming as you continue the loop. Time out for those of you that read the book Holes or saw the movie as a child. I’m telling you Madam Zaroni lives here! GOD’s THUMB??? HELLO!!!!

Of course we stopped at each formation and took in the hiking action along with several photo-shoots. I mean, how could we not? We spent three to four hour just taking in all the history along with the many facts and picturesque landscapes. Yall, if you ever get the chance to head here, please take advantage and spend the day exploring.

I found it harder and harder to classify the true peak of this trip. It was hard, especially since this was only day three. It’s even harder when you’re trying to blog and vlog the experience while trying to take in the beauty at your feet and fingertips. Its sad to say, but the vlogging kind of got lost in translation because I was too busy being present in the moment and just enjoying the time with my family. I know, all the millennial’s listening to this are going to question my judgment and ponder how I can’t actually be present in the moment. But it happened. And I’m so glad it worked out this way. Because we enjoyed our family time together and took in the rich history, I am now able to share this experience with you from a more heartwarming perspective. Its weird to think this is only day three or technically part three of a five part series. Stay tuned as we discuss the bulk of our driving time and the extreme weather conditions and sites we continue to see along the way. This trip has definitely inspired a bunch of new content and collaborations that are in the works. I really can’t wait to share the rest of this trip with you all. I officially have the Travel Bug and can’t wait to continue to bring you all along on future travels.

Three Sisters