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Keep Our Trails Clean Campaign

As most of you have probably noticed over the past couple of weeks, I have been sharing with you how absolutely appalled I have been with the amount of TRASH I have found while out hiking.

This deeply saddens me and I know that we, as a community, CAN DO BETTER!!

We need to RESPECT Mother Nature and treat our Earth how it should be treated, NOT like a garbage can.

My first blog post discussing the “Leave No Trace” Approach came out on Monday (5/18). I was so inspired that I actually added a part two blog post.

With Part 2 I wanted to give you ACTIONABLE things you can do RIGHT NOW to help make a difference.

I am extremely excited to announce I am organizing a Keep Our Trails Clean campaign. So what does that mean?

My aim is to bring all of you together (virtually, of course) for one shared mission. The mission of cleaning up the community around you. There are over THIRTEEN THOUSAND of you all spread out all over the world. If each of us does our part and takes the time to clean up the community, then SO MANY places all over the world will be better and brighter because of YOU!

Be a part of the movement that will leave our communities and our planet a better place.

How it’s going to work:

I am challenging each of you to go out EACH WEEKEND in JUNE & JULY and devote at least 30 minutes to cleaning up a trail or park near you. Make sure you are prepared with gloves & trash bags, and please be safe!

I would absolutely LOVE for you to share photos of you doing this clean-up, hopefully inspiring and encouraging your followers to take part (all about the ripple effect, right?). Please use the hashtag #KeepOurTrailsClean and #WanderWithSarahS and tag me @Sarahs_reads.

& GALS! This is just the start! PLEASE don’t stop after this Keep Our Trails Clean Campaign. We need to continue doing our part and taking care of our environment.

I also encourage you to make a monetary donation to Leave No Trace Center, an international nonprofit teaching people how to enjoy the outdoors responsibly, to make an even bigger impact.

keep our trails clean