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Mental Health Check-In

Today I wanted to pop in and talk about something a little bit more taboo and serious, Mental Health. As you all know by now, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As the month comes to an end, I want to touch base with you all in hopes that just because the month is coming to an end, it doesn’t mean we’re going to stop talking about it. 

Personally, I spent years and years of a mostly happy and trauma free life without anxiety and depression until I started struggling with mental illness, anxiety, depression, the works, brought on by Lyme Disease, an infectious disease that turned my world upside down for many years. This isn’t going to be another lesson on ticks, Lyme, and the importance of preventative precautions when traveling in heavily wooded areas, but just a quick reminder that no matter what, you are not alone.

I spent most of 2009-2017 in a whirlwind of stress, unfinished projects, and lack of accomplishments because I was too busy feeling down, dealing with medical symptoms, and just flat out lack of life motivation. I come from a great family and have a boyfriend who has always been beyond supportive of my life choices. It didn’t matter how lucky some would call that. The depression took over my life and I was too ashamed to do anything about it. I spent so many years too embarrassed, too ashamed, and quite honestly too many years just not giving a hoot, that nothing was ever going to change. The day I decided it was okay to talk about mental illness was the day my life changed forever.

Taking control of my life and asking for help was the best decision I made. I know I’m just a stranger to most of you, but if I can stress anything, one thing in this world, it’s to not wait so long to ask for help. There is absolutely nothing shameful or wrong with needing a mental boost. I could sit here and dwell on the missed years of my life and continue to feel sad for myself. Instead I choose to look for the positives and make plans for this amazing future I have ahead of myself. I chose to continue to check in with health professionals that by the way, care for you because they want to, not just because its their job and they have to. Why waste another day living out of control when you can grab your life and live the way you deserve. Let’s talk about self care. Let’s talk about mental health. Let’s talk about whatever your heart desires. You are one phone call, one conversation, one positive idea away from living the life you deserve. I know it sounds out of reach, but its’ not. 

As May cones to an end, it is important to normalize the conversation about mental health. Let’s make a pact to each other that we will continue to support each individual and understand that everyones journey is different. Lets respect each other, support each other, and continue to motivate those that are willing to help themselves. Who wants to talk about it?
