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Motivation Monday (Ep. 2)

Happy Motivation Monday, Readers. I wanted to pop in for another week of check in’s and challenge updates. 

I will start out by saying this week has been a little bit more of a challenge for me since I wasn’t technically working with my usual afternoon and nighttime routine schedule. I had a few engagements and plans that threw me a little out of wack, but I made them work the best way possible. My eating wasn’t as good as last week, but still made a complete conscious effort to make better choices when possible. After this, I am off for a little hike and grocery shopping, so I know I will be better prepared and on schedule. 

Let’s chat about exercise. First off, I found my new favorite hiking spot only 20 minutes away from my house. I found a quiet nature trail that definitely took a hit on my endurance, helped me break a complete sweat, and had my heart rate pumping! I love hiking but, like I’ve mentioned before, I have a hard time keeping up since my endurance and stamina are a work in progress. Jeff and my sister hike these trails like its a piece of cake but it doest matter, I do it anyways just at my own pace and still get the job done! I am always so proud of myself too. Did I mentioned that this was the first hike I’ve ever done solo? I absolutely loved getting to go at my pace, feel safe, listen to nature sounds, and explore every which way possible. I know I’m supposed to be listening to my audiobook and working my way through the challenge, but something about being in nature, alone, and listening to the world around you is brilliant. It’s beyond calming and does something special to my soul. Self care at its finest. On top of the few solo hikes I did last week, I also did a few loops with Jeff in the evenings. Im still working on my running stamina and honestly can start to tell I am getting better. Just two weeks later I can tell that my pace is changing. I am feeling fantastic and that’s all that matters. I am constantly reminding myself that this is a marathon, not a race, and that everything is going ti improve over time. I am a believer of this process, but can honestly say I’m blow away and impressed with myself. Who cares what most people think. I am doing this for me and I’m the only person who’s opinion matters, in this case. I even found myself dancing the night away this past Saturday under the stars are our favorite vineyard. Not bad for an unplanned work out. I did have a glass or two or three of wine but that’s just a part of life and I’m living my best one! I mean, who doesn’t love the idea of dancing under the stars, at a vineyard, with your loved ones on a 75 degree summer Saturday night? Just picture it. It was pretty perfect if you ask me!

Let’s move back into the exercise conversation and chat about my current audio book challenge. For those of you that are new to my channels, I have decided to challenge my little book worm self into committing to only listening to audiobooks while walking, hiking, or exercising. Audiobooks are my weakness so this is a big step for me. I talked myself into The Fiery Cross, the 5th book in the Outlander series thinking that the 22 hour long book would be a great challenge resulting in tons of ambition, as I am a plot seeker and desperately wants to know the summary of this novel. Turns out the book is actually 55 and a half hours long and I have my work cut out for me. This motivation Monday is all about pushing yourself in ways that make you an over all better person. I believe that this almost 56 hours challenge will definitely be something positive for this new lifestyle journey I am on. Status update wise, I am actually two hours into the book. I know, two hours with 54 to go sounds a million years away, but I’m looking at it super proud of myself for logging two hours of work outs. This doesn’t even include the three hikes I went on since I spent those listening to the amazing sounds around me. With that being said, who wants to join me for their own version of this challenge? I know so many people who only watch their favorite shows and listen to their favorite books while on the treadmill or exercising. The best part about these self challenges, is that they only have to work for you. You’re allowed to make them anyway you’d like! If you have done or are doing something similar, DM me and let’s talk ideas and progress. This has been such a fun challenge! I am still blown away by how many of you have decided to start a health journey of your own. I’m still getting daily messages from new friends that give me ideas, thanks, status updates, and so much more. I have definitely made a ton of new friends through this platform and can’t believe I am so blessed to know each and every one of you. How cool is it to go through this process with people that think, feel similar, and have some of the same dreams you have? It’s pretty dang cool if you ask me. 

Just like last week, I sit at my desk, getting ready to head outside for some fresh air and a little hike action on this beautiful day filled with happiness, reflection, and motivation. Without taking a step back on Sundays and really working on myself, this motivation Monday wouldn’t be able to exist. What motivates you? How do you practice self care? I want to know. Please feel free to leave comments or to simply DM me over at @SarahS_Reads on instagram. I am up for the job of accountability parter if you need one. Let’s connect!  
