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Motivation Monday: Season Two

Happy November, Readers. I can’t believe we are finally here. It’s been so long since I’ve stopped and talked to you and I am beyond excited for this next chapter and next season of life. Before I dive right into our new and improved Motivation Monday series, I felt it was necessary to touch base on where I’ve been and my lack of presence and content.

Let me start by saying Depression is REAL! Depression is real, and everyone deals with it differently. In my past I have dealt with personal issues, felt alone, and gone out of my way to not care and not give myself and body the proper attention and care needed. The end of summer and most of fall hit me very hard. I dealt with two very tough and different losses, had to abruptly move, and just felt it was time to reprioritize. Imagine trying to make important life decisions and be an adult when you are mourning? At times, life became overwhelming and I knew self-care had to become a priority. I let my work suffer, my content creations come to a complete halt, and important obligations and priorities completely crumble. Priorities such as my health and all the hard work put into the motivation Monday series come to a stagnant stand still. I want to stop right here and let you all know that with the proper help, support, and self care I was able to dig myself out of that foggy hole and come out the other end of the tunnel feeling happy, strong, and motivated. Thank you to each and every one of you that touched based over the past few months to check in and to just say hi. This Instagram and social media community can be so overwhelming at times, but also so endearing and sweet. Please note, that although I am not a health professional, I am still a person with feelings that has an open door DM policy. If you ever need someone to chat with, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s normalize the conversations on mental health and self care and work with each other to pursue our best lives.

With that being said, there is no time like the present to get back into the swing of things, work on my self-care, and hold myself accountable. It’s officially time to bring back the Motivation Monday series, a weekly episode and check in on health, self-care, accountability, and all things motivation. I made a promise to myself to get my act together and do whatever it takes to live the healthiest life possible. I owe it to myself to really give this a try, make the effort, and hopefully use social media as a way to hold myself accountable. It’s not easy sharing the bad. Social media outlets are mainly used to show the good along with the fake, and that’s not me. While I mainly use my platforms and social media outlets to discuss books, nature, and fashion, it’s time to bring my real life topics to the surface in hopes to make my dreams a reality. I even created a separate snap chat for those of you that want to follow along daily. Follow SarahS_Reads for a daily dose of motivation, inspiration, and accountability. This way I wont have to flood my instagram stories and still give you all an inside taste of my daily life and new found health journey. Without the enthusiasm and friendship you’ve given me, none of this would be possible. Words of affirmation are probably my number one “love language” and you all make me feel so special, so often. Lets use these kind words and sentiments to drive us in the direction of better health.

This series will come with many weekly, monthly and tons of side challenges. Let’s make this fun. Without incentive and cheer, this would be boring and I would continue to give up and never follow through. Just being honest. My last challenge consisted of only being able to listen to audiobooks while I exercise. Problem one, I picked a 55 hours audiobook and the narrator was HORRIBLE and not my style. This made this challenge and idea beyond hard for me. Since then I’ve listened to different audiobooks with narrators I enjoy listening to. I find this challenge might make a comeback one of these days; especially the more and more I get into this journey and known love for reading and comprehension of stories. Let’s brainstorm on how we can make this sustainable and fun for a lifetime of health to come.

I want to keep that open door DM policy alive with hopes that you’ll flood my inbox with all the healthy meal and snack ideas. I am lucky enough to live with a chef that will make me anything I desire. The problem is, I am a basic female that can’t make her mind up when it comes to dinner. Typical. This doesn’t just have to be about fitness, I want this journey to touch base on self-care, food conversation, daily struggles and just life in general. This is going to be great and I am excited to continue my self-care journey and live a life worth living! Thank you for being a sounding board.

You can expect tons more to come on the Chapters & Tea podcast. Keep an eye and ear out for the return of Tea Time & Cozy Mystery Chit Chats, book reviews, life updates, and a special little Hallmark inspired Countdown to Christmas review mini series.
