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Motivation Monday (Season2 Ep.1)

Happy Monday, Ya’ll. I can’t believe we are officially into week two, episode one of the Chapters & Tea: Motivation Monday Series, season two! It’s been one hell of a week and I’ve been so excited to come here and tell you all about my days.

This week has been so different from season one of the Motivation Monday series. Season one came with a lot of exploration and outdoor activity. As the days get shorts and colder, I’ve made a commitment to spend more time in the gym. I’ve been one of those gym members that pay every single month and never went. What a waste of money. Anyways, they always say the hardest part is getting one foot in the door. I would sit outside in my car and basically pep talk myself into going inside. Despite the negative thoughts I’ve had for years, the feeling this time around is totally different. Even a week ago my thoughts were different. I would be lying if it didn’t cross my mind that I was probably the largest person in the gym or the least in-shape person here. It honestly makes me sick thinking of all the self-negativity and hurt I was doing to myself. I want to pride myself on being a ray of sunshine that takes self-care very serious. I want to take self-care and self-love serious, honestly, because I deserve that mindset. I deserve to be proud of my accomplishments, no matter how small or large. Once I got out of my own way and realized it doesn’t matter that I might be the largest person in the gym or the least in shape person around, I was able to understand that I’m proud of myself for taking these steps to better my life. Let’s be real, most of the people in the gym are watching themselves in the mirror to make sure they have the right form, to count their own reps or whatever it is they are checking out, but its probably not me.  I will say, the mindset us huge. It can either be a major set back or a motivating aspect of any fitness journey. Once I actually started embracing it, I realized that I’m just like everyone else at the gym. Just trying to feel better, look better, or whatever other reasons people have for going to a gym. It’s actually kind a good feeling. I know it’s only been a week but I swear I’m getting stronger and more flexible. I never thought I would say that I look forward to going to the gym, but here we are. I’m fully embracing this new life.

Now time to chat about my work-outs. Ya’ll its been a week, and I wont pretend to be any type of expert. I’m not sure I would even call myself a beginner, that’s how new I am to all of this. Luckily my, exercising loving, sister has been somewhat of a guiding light for me thought this process. She has taken me under her wing and shown me a bunch of new weight training exercises, interval training, and ways to make cardio as fun as its probably going to get. Squats on squats are something that she swears by. Ya’ll my legs were jello gigglers for three days.  My muscles are definitely getting some action. Depending on the day, we do several sets of squats, sometimes with kettle bells and added weight. We also do weight lifting, rope slams, tire flipping and all types of stuff that helps build strength, tone, and get my heart rate going. After SEVERAL reps and sets of exercises of this nature, we normally head to the treadmill for a little cardio action. My new favorite thing is bringing my kindle while I work out on the treadmill. I’m quite shocked I don’t get motion sickness and that I can actually concentrate and comprehend what I’m reading, but I do and it’s amazing. Last week I started rearing The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah. I know so many of my bookstragm babes have read this book. I’ve seen so many indifferent reviews on this baby. So far, I am LOVING this novel. In Kristin Hannah’s The Great Alone, a desperate family seeks a new beginning in the near-isolated wilderness of Alaska only to find that their unpredictable environment is less threatening than the erratic behavior found in human nature. Basically a family moves out to Alaska in 1974 to escape post war trauma and politics. The dream of homesteading and living off the land seems to be much harder than anticipated, while dealing with mental issues, and now they are trying to make the best of what they have, along with help from the community. Leni, the main character, is a 13-year-old girl who’s perspective we read from. I am only approximately 130 pages in, but I love it so far. I am interested in reading more and seeing where this story takes us. I have seen so many posts on this book and never gave it a second thought. I’m glad I did though, because I enjoy Kristin Hannah’s portrait of Alaska and all her beauty. This is strange and totally off topic, but I’ve always had this fantasy about living on a homestead in Alaska. I love the idea of minimalism and living off the land. Unfortunately, for me, I have no hunting, garden, or self-sufficient skills that would allow such a dream to actually occur. I guess that’s why they call it a fantasy. My favorite thing about this book, so far, is that there is no sugar coating on the difficulty Alaskans face every single winter and the danger and fight that comes with the territory.

Anyways, back to the health journey aspect and point I am trying to make. Last season I made a challenge with myself where I could only listen to my audiobook while exercising. Starting today, I am challenging myself and will only be reading this book while doing cardio or in the sauna. Like I mentioned, I am only 130 pages in and can’t wait to read more of this story. At the rate my gym motivation is going, I shouldn’t have that hard of a time completing this story. I think this time around the challenge will be a lot easier to finish. I haven’t added any extra rules; just incentive to read a story I am interested in finishing.  I have been to the gym every single day since last week, so hopefully the story stays good and my momentum stays high. I will continue to keep you all posted on my gym and reading status.

Every day this week, we have finished our work out with a little extra cardio in the pool. Who knew cardio and resistance training in the water would be so hard! The pool is another way to get in a killer work out, relax and wind down at the same time. I love ending my fitness sessions with a good stretch in the pool. I love taking a noodle, setting it under my ankle and stretching me legs thoroughly. Sorry if you’re picturing it, but it hurts so good. I love that our gym has three pool options. An Olympic style lap pool that Jeff loves, a bath water style free swim pool, and a hot sub for soaking and relaxing. You can find me in the second and third. Nothing beats a hot tub soak after a long day and a good work out. I even take advantage of the giant sauna that I am obsessed with. After this week of celebrating my sisters birthday, the sauna was necessary to help sweat out all the wine consumed.

I really need to work on better documenting this experience and journey. You can follow my new health and fitness inspired Snap Chat, SarahS_Reads, for a daily dose of motivation, inspiration, and accountability. This way I wont have to flood my instagram stories and still give you all an inside taste of my daily life and new found health journey. I love how many of you have followed along this week. I know I need to work on better documenting everything and make this as exciting as possible. Everyone loves a good transformation story and I am excited and happy to put myself out there. You can find easy Snap Chat access by clicking the link in my Instagram Bio. From there it will take you to the app and code you will need so we can become friends. You can still expect a story or two on Instagram, but my main focus for documentation and content will be snap chat.

Self care wise, I wanted to reiterate that this Instagram and social media community can be so overwhelming at times, but also so endearing and sweet. Please note, that although I am not a health professional, I am still a person with feelings that has an open door DM policy. If you ever need someone to chat with, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s normalize the conversations on mental health and self care and work with each other to pursue our best lives. This journey is already working wonders for my self-care and I would love for each and everyone of you to feel good and live life with a positive mindset. It took me a lot of work to get here, mentally, and I don’t plan on regressing any time soon.

I can’t wait for next weeks check in episode. I hope by the next episode I am feeling even stronger, both physically and mentally. Thank you again for joining me on this amazing journey.  You can expect tons more to come on the Chapters & Tea podcast. Keep an eye and ear out for the return of Tea Time & Cozy Mystery Chit Chats, book reviews, life updates, and a special little Hallmark inspired Countdown to Christmas review mini series.
