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Oregon Ridge Park & Nature Center (HIKE MARYLAND)

Have I told you all how much I love the app AllTrails? I can’t believe the places I’ve found since I started using this app; literally places just a few miles from my childhood home that I never knew existed. Oregon Ridge Park and Nature Center is one of them.

As far as I knew, Oregon Ridge Park was just the place you went to vote every few years. I never knew of the several hiking trails and nature center that lived right behind the park building.

A few weeks ago, Jeff and I went out there to take some bookish photos. While we were there we still had no clue these trails existed. Thanks to AllTrails, a week or so later, we were out there exploring all over the place. The Loggers and Lake Trail Loop is a 2.3-mile loop around the park and lake. Amongst the Loggers and Lake Trail there are several short cuts and other trails attached incase you want to extend or shorten your visit.

We’ve been back since then, with my hiking pro of a sister, Julianna. You are all probably familiar with Julianna and her athletic, California ways by now.  We always have an absolute blast. The elevation gain isn’t super dramatic and this trail should be okay for all levels of expertise. I still have my huff and puff moments, don’t get me wrong – but it’s totally do-able for everyone!

Depending on which way you start heading, there is a beautiful lake you walk around before you head into the backwoods of Oregon Ridge. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that something so gorgeous is right off the busy streets of Hunt Valley, Maryland. While you’re on the trails you feel totally one with nature. The serene scenery is overwhelmingly beautiful. Say SERENE SCENERY a few times fast, you’re welcome. LOL (can you say LOL in a blog post?) Don’t forget to check out the nature center and animals that live on the premises.

Anyways, Oregon Ridge is high on my recommended list for Maryland Hikes. Jeff and I have several days planned to go explore, as the weather gets nicer and spring approaches. I can’t wait to get deep into the AllTrails app and really explore Maryland and all the beautiful stops and trails; definitely something to look forward to this summer. What are some of your favorite hometown trails? I would love to know! DM me on Instagram at @Sarahs_Reads – or just stop by and say hi! Also, don’t forget to follow #WANDERWITHSARAHS to stay updated on all photos, hiking and travel recommendations. I am so excited to be on this journey with you ALL!
