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Snow Day Adventures

Yesterday we finally got a decent amount of snow, which is now basically melted thanks to the 50 degree day were currently having – Thanks A lot, Mother Nature! You all know how much I love the snow and I’m clearly not ready to watch it melt.

Jeff was off work yesterday so I was able to enjoy the snowy weather with him, for once. We went on a beautiful walk in search to explore our neighborhood and take in the beauty. Im down for any excuse to kick the dust off my snow boots!

My snow day was filled with hot tea, several chapters of The Fellowship of the Ring, kitty snuggles, along with a fabulous adventure with Jeff. It was the ideal snow day.

I know many of you would prefer to have a day off in the sunshine. DM me and let me know how you would rather spend a snow day! I can’t wait to hear from you.
