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Stop and Smell the Roses

Happy June 1st, everyone. May was such a great month filled with tons of Mental Health Awareness. I was and am so proud of my friends, family, and new followers for joining me in a journey to normalize the conversation of mental health issues and self care. 

So many of you reached out to me after the latest podcast episode of Chapters & Tea went live, along with the YouTube video and IGTV episode. Sharing my mental health journey is always a tough one, but one that can hopefully help someone new, in encouragement, to ask for help. Like I’ve said many times before, asking for help is life changing. There is absolutely nothing wrong or shameful with needing a boost. Getting to a point in life where you are brave enough to ask for help is brilliant! 

I want to continue to be an advocate for mental health and self care. I am not a trained profession, but a real person with real life struggles. I personally chose to live my best life by asking for help, prioritizing what’s most important to me, continuing to make good choices and accept that bad times are just a part of life. 

Today I choose to “Stop and Smell the Roses.” I decide to make time for myself, get fresh air, and reflect on the good and the bad from the past month. Walking through gardens and discovering new beauty will always be a mood and mental boost for me.

Cheers to June. Let’s make it a great one. I am always a DM away. 
