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May Book Wrap-Up

May was such a great reading month. So many amazing books were released. Basically, my summer reading list grows larger and larger. Unfortunately, there is never enough time in the day to actually read and…

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What’s In My Hiking Bag

I find that one of the most important necessities when it comes to any outdoor activity is making sure you have the proper items packed in your hiking bag. I’m not saying you have to…

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Why I’m Not Setting a Reading Goal in 2020

It’s about that time of year when everyone sets their Goodreads goal. For the second year in a row I am going to pass on that opportunity. Not because I don’t find it encouraging, interesting,…

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The Great Alone (Book Review & Chit Chat)

I had to come on here and quickly chat about a book I can’t stop thinking about. As many of you heard from this weeks Motivation Monday series, I challenged myself to reading The Great…

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Let’s get right to it and chat a little about a brand new tea favorite of mine. Purity, Aroma, and Inspiration make up Paromi, a tea company located in my home state of Maryland. Paromi…

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