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Community Over Competition

This past year brought a lot of thoughts and ideas to the forefront of my brain. I had been spending a bunch of time comparing my social media status from 2018 to 2019. My growth,…

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Motivation Monday: Season Two

Happy November, Readers. I can’t believe we are finally here. It’s been so long since I’ve stopped and talked to you and I am beyond excited for this next chapter and next season of life.…

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Let’s get right to it and chat a little about a brand new tea favorite of mine. Purity, Aroma, and Inspiration make up Paromi, a tea company located in my home state of Maryland. Paromi…

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Tea Time, Cozy Mystery Chit Chat, & Health Journey Announcement

I can’t start this new chit chat out without telling you about my current cup. Some things never get old. Earl Grey Lavender from Davidson’s Tea Co. makes the top of the list again. I…

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Tea Time & Cozy Mystery Chit Chat

If you listened to my recent ‘Chapters & Tea’ Top 5 tea favorites episode, you will know that I am still obsessing over the Green Paddock Pom Pom from Saratoga Tea & Honey Co. I…

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