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Stop and Smell the Roses

Happy June 1st, everyone. May was such a great month filled with tons of Mental Health Awareness. I was and am so proud of my friends, family, and new followers for joining me in a…

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Mental Health Check-In

Today I wanted to pop in and talk about something a little bit more taboo and serious, Mental Health. As you all know by now, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As the month comes…

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Starry Eyes – Review

Not even sure where to start. This book destroyed me in all the right ways. Starry Eyes is about two teenagers named Zorie and Lennon and their extended journey to find their ways back to…

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The Crossfire Series – Books Two & Three

As most of you know, I recently wrote a review on Barred to You, the first book in The Crossfire Series. I rated it 3 1/2 Stars. I read it very quickly, and enjoyed it…

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Sunday Morning Routine Featuring Davidson’s Tea Co

Happy Sunday, y’all. Just wanted to pop in, say hi, and let you all know there is a brand new video LIVE on my YouTube Channel. Sarah S Reads LLC & Wander with Sarah S…

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