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Tea Time, Cozy Mystery Chit Chat, & Health Journey Announcement

I can’t start this new chit chat out without telling you about my current cup. Some things never get old. Earl Grey Lavender from Davidson’s Tea Co. makes the top of the list again. I have been making larger pots of tea and sipping on it throughout my afternoon of work and activities. Some people have an old faithful, and this just happens to be one of them. Don’t get met wrong, I own about 40 different tea variations and drink them quite often. I just happen to be sipping on the Earl Grey Lavender when I sit down to record these episodes. I will try to mix things up for our next episode. If you are new to the Chapters & Tea podcast, its time to let you know that Davidson’s has been kind enough to offer my followers a 20% discount on all iced teas, loose leaf, bagged teas, and goodies. All you have to do is type in the code SARAH20 at checkout. Thank you Davidson’s for all your kindness!

Next on the list is a recap and recommendation of the second book in A Witch’s Cat Mystery series, By Familiar Means. For those of you that didn’t listen to last weeks cozy mystery chit chat, the Chapters & Tea podcast has decided to bring back weekly cozy mystery recommendations and discussions featuring some of our favorite cozies. Last week we talked about A Familiar Tale by Delia James. In the first book, A Familiar Tale, we meet Annabelle Britton, a young lady who cant seem to settle down. Unhappy in work and personal life, Annabelle decides to take a visit to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to visit a friend and ends up sticking around after discovering her hometown attachment and newly discovered gift of magic. Along the way we stick with Annabelle as she helps solve a murder while processing this brand new life ahead of her. 

In the second installment, By Familiar Means, Annabelle is once again caught up in a murder investigation. This time, Annabelle vows to help clear her name along with the names of some good people well known in Portsmouth. When Anna is hired to help paint murals for a brand new coffee house, her vibe instantly takes her down a basement tunnel resulting in a dead man and a crime to be solved. Anna, along with the help of her grandmother, coven sisters, and familiar Alister, team up, use their skills, and help put the right people behind bars! 

I loved this book. The second book is packed with action that keeps you on edge til the murderer is revealed. After reading this book last year and really enjoying it, I decided to give the audiobook version a try. Like I mentioned in last episode, I love the narrator and the pictures she clearly paints in my mind. I love when books scenes are so clear in my mind, I can basically place myself right there in the mix of things. This is a second reminder that if you enjoy cozies and audiobooks, find a way to stream this series. You won’t be sorry! If anything, I am sad that it only has three books and that my listening pleasure is quickly coming to an end. Either way, I recommend this series. I am not looking forward to next weeks episode and final recap on A Witch’s Cat Mystery series. I am sad to see this one go, but getting excited to talk about our next series of cozies to chat about. So many of you have requested we bring back regular discussions and recommendations and I am totally down with that idea. If you have any cozy series you want to chat about and want to recommend, please send all your DMs my way. Just because I’ve read tons of cozy mysteries doesn’t mean I’m not looking for my next favorite series! 

The last thing I wanted to touch base on was a quick reflection on a post I made declaring my desire and motivation to get healthy. On July 29, 2019, I made a promise to myself to get my act together and do whatever it takes to live the healthiest life possible. I owe it to myself to really give this a try, make the effort, and hopefully use social media as a way to hold myself accountable. It’s not easy sharing the bad. Social media outlets are mainly used to show the good along with the fake, and that’s not me. While I mainly use my platforms and social media outlets to discuss books, nature, and fashion, it’s time to bring my real life topics to the surface in hopes to make my dreams a reality. I woke up the next morning to over 100 comments from complete strangers motivating and supporting me. I wasn’t expecting any type of response, let alone tens of thousands of insights, along with likes, comments, and hundreds of DMs. People I have never met in real life responded with messages thanking me for putting myself out there and also motivating them to jump start a new life. I mean, me? Its an unreal feeling and I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around this response. With that being said, I am up for the challenge and ready to support each and every person who is up for bettering their life. Let’s be accountability partners. Let’s talk about exercise, meals, self care – you name it. Thank you so much, truly thank you for the kind words, support, belief, and motivation. It means way more than any of you will truly understand. Now lets go live our best lives!
