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The Austen Escape – Review

I’m a phase girl. To sum that up, every couple of weeks I like to reread or watch my favorite books and movies in order to relive the happiness and joy they bring me. I suppose some would call that a “fan girl.” If that makes me a fan girl, then so be it. During the winter season I went through my Lord of the Rings phase again. Its one of my most common phases and I plan on participating in a reread again this year. I love rereading the series and will probably do it again this year. You all know my favorite characters and how my love runs deep.

One of my recent reads brought back another obsession of mine; Austen. Jane Austen is one of my most favorite authors. Apart from her amazing prose and story telling, the novel and movie adaptations that have been made over the years aren’t so bad either. I recently read the book “The Austen Escape” by Katherine Reay. The Austen Escape is about Mary Davies and her search for answers to questions that are brought to a head when she finds herself on holiday, with Isabel, a childhood friend. Did I mention that their vacation takes place at an Austen themed estate in Bath, the birthplace of Jane Austen? Bath is not only filled with rich Austen history, but is now filled with major tensions between Mary, Isabelle, and the man they both have history with.

This book brought so much Austen joy to my life. Getting to know these characters while watching Mary work out twenty years of repressed feelings was a great comfort and brought much joy to my life. The book also ends exactly how you want every great contemporary romance to end; happy, meaningful, and filled with emotions. I would recommend this book to all, not just Austen lovers. I actually just picked up another one of Katherin Reay’s books from the library and can’t wait to engage in some much needed weekend relaxation and reading.

With that being said, check out your local retailer or library and pick up a copy of The Austen Escape. I would definitely recommend this book. (FOUR STARS)
