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The Crossfire Series – Books Two & Three

As most of you know, I recently wrote a review on Barred to You, the first book in The Crossfire Series. I rated it 3 1/2 Stars. I read it very quickly, and enjoyed it for the most part. The intimate scenes started to seem forced and the constant bickering wasn’t my favorite. Along with everyones recommendations to continue the series, I did enjoy the main characters as individuals which made me continue.

In book two, Reflected in You, Eva and Gideon pick up where they left off. Once again we’re back to drama, love, and more drama. We dive a little deeper into their individual pasts and the baggage that comes along with being together. I definitely enjoyed this book more than the first and decided to continue on with the series. (3 1/2 Stars)

In book three, Entwined with You, Eva and Gideon once again pick up at a standstill in their relationship. They obviously worship each other and definitely have secrets to keep, without giving away major spoilers. Gideon and Eva both have other people fighting for their affection which turns the drama knob to a level 10. This book was WAY more enjoyable for me. I enjoyed the drama, for once. The steaminess never goes away but doesn’t feel as forced as the first two books. (4 Stars)

I am currently reading book number four, Captivated by You, which I am also enjoying. I am not reading it as fast as the other two, which were both one day reads. In Captivated by You, we get to spend more time with Cary, Eva’s best friend and roommate, and her father. I enjoy the family time, although dramatic at times, away from their relationship. I will be back shortly with a full review and star rating!
