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Top 5 Current Tea Picks

I suppose after all these months of hosting a podcast called chapters and tea, its time to actually sit down and talk….about tea. 

I have been on a serious tea journey over the last few weeks and have really fallen in love with flavors and ingredients I never knew I enjoyed. The obsession is real and I wanted to share my top five favorites at the moment. 

Let’s start with my old faithful, Earl Grey Lavender by Davidsons Tea Co. If you are new to my channels, Davidson’s has some of my absolute favorite teas and out of habit I start almost every morning with a cup of Earl Gray Lavender. I prefer the loose leaf version, scooping out my perfect amount of morning joy. Davidsons is an all organic company, which is great. How can you seriously go wrong with black tea, bergamot, and lavender flowers? Davidsons Tea Co. has been gracious enough to give you all a 20% discount on all bagged, loose leaf, iced teas, and goodies. Use the code SARAH20 at checkout. Thank you Davidson’s. Y’all won’t want to miss out on this kind offer.

Next, I want to quickly chat about my new love for Green Paddock Pom Pom by Saratoga Tea & Honey Co. I was lucky enough to visit this tea bar and honey room a few weeks ago and have absolutely fallen in love with this organic green tea with black tea, rosehips, raspberries, pomegranate natural flavors. Mix this with a dash of their Wildflower honey and you have my favorite afternoon pick me up. Y’all, this stuff is seriously good. One of my favorite things about this tea is its resteeping capabilities that help eliminate waste. Plus, I’m a multiple cup kind of girl. Another tea from Saratoga Tea and Honey Co, that I’m currently sipping on at this exact moment is A Little R&R. This has been one of my favorite night time teas to set a relaxed mood in the afternoons and evening. Naturally caffeine free, this tea consists of Rooibos and relaxation with a dash of lemongrass, lavender, fennel, ginger root, and rose petals. Is it wrong that I can literally drink four cups of this in one sitting? No shame in my nighttime tea and reading game. 

Another really great caffeine free tea that I enjoy at night is Decaffeinated Darjeeling by Eastern Shore Tea Co. They don’t call this the champaign of teas for nothing. This is seriously yummy and I always feel so fancy saying Darjeeling. Let’s pause for a total book nerd moment. At one point I was the worst tea enthusiast because I had never heard of Darjeeling until I picked up a cozy mystery called Death by Darjeeling by Laura Childs. In pure journalist fashion, I investigated this new to me tea, fell in love with darjeeling, and quickly read with the entire “Tea Shop Mystery” series. And for any of my cozy mystery lovers listening to this, its a must read series! 

To wrap up my top five current go to teas is Moroccan Mint tea also by Eastern Shore Tea Co. which is made up of gunpowder green tea and spearmint. It’s completely ironic that the second book in A Tea Shop Mystery Series is called Gunpowder Green. This green tea is fun go to based on taste and caffeine intensity. It’s not too strong, and I go for a weaker tea every now and again. Apart from my lavender obsession, my second go to flavor is mint. Mint everything. The spearmint flavor in this tea is what makes me continuously coming back for another cup. 

If any of you have a favorite tea that is a MUST try, I want to hear about it. Please DM me so we can chat. I am always learning more and more about tea and want to continue to educate myself on the beverage I love most. And if you have tried any of these or want to try them, let me know. Hopefully we share love for the same teas. 
