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As I’ve mentioned before, I am trying new things. Hiking is one of them. I have always shied away from going into the woods and walking on trails after dealing with ten+ years of Lyme disease. Living in a heavily wooded and deer populated area, Lyme disease seems inevitable. We can talk about Lyme disease another day. What I wanted to share is my thought process and self care attitude towards the situation along with my new found love for hiking.

Self Care wise, I can’t let this disease stop me from doing something that I am rapidly growing to love. Just getting outdoors and in the fresh air works wonders for me. As someone who has stayed inside forever dealing with over whelming symptoms along with depression, you have no idea how much I needed to get outside. FRESH AIR, people – you need it. EXERCISE, people – you need it; and I didn’t realize how much so. 

As my followers and Instagram Story watchers, you will know all about my struggles with stamina. Does that stop me? NO! It might take me 28 minutes to hike a mile, but who the hell cares? It’s better than being trapped inside and scared of the elements and the detrimental factors of the outside world. I huff and puff and sometimes I even have to stop for a break and catch my breath. I don’t let this stop me from getting out there. One foot in front of the other is what I tell myself. And every single day it gets easier and easier.

I hike often with my boyfriend, Jeff, and sister, Julianna – who by the way are in impeccable shape compared to me and could probably out loop me a few times over. Does that stop me, NO! You want to know why – because they are my support systems. They are happy I am getting active and would rather wait forever for me to catch my breath then have a single negative comment to make about me slowing them down or holding them back. I couldn’t stress the importance of a support system enough – Another major factor in self care. It also gives me an excuse to spend time with my boyfriend and sister at the same time – what more could a girl ask for?

I would like for my fellow hikers, beginners and professionals, to join me in supporting each other from start to finish. I will be starting a new series on the blog that will feature full reviews on my local hikes along with hiking adventures on location during travels. I created the hashtag #WanderWithSarahS so we can join each other in support and encouragement. It also doesn’t hurt to look at the pretty pictures I take along the way. Feel free to DM me so we can chat about all thinks hiking, adventure, and exploration.
